Results for 'D. C. North'

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  1. Explaining Economic Change: The Interplay between Cognition and Institutions, with J. Knight.D. C. North - 1997 - Legal Theory 3 (3).
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  2. Apprentissage, Institutions, et Performance Économique.C. Mantzavinos, Douglass North & Syed Shariq - 2009 - L'Année Sociologique 59 (2):469-492.
    Dans cet article, nous offrons un large aperçu des interactions entre cognition, systèmes de croyances et institutions, et comment elles affectent la performance économique. Nous estimons qu'une meilleure compréhension de l’émergence des institutions, de leurs propriétés de fonctionnement et de leurs effets sur les résultats politiques et économiques doit commencer par une analyse des processus cognitifs. Nous explorons la nature de l'apprentissage individuel et collectif, en soulignant que la question n'est pas de savoir si les agents ont une rationalité parfaite (...)
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  3.  77
    Two compartmental models of EEG coherence and MRI biophysics.R. W. Thatcher, J. F. Gomez-Molina, C. Biver, D. North, R. Curtin & R. W. Walker - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):412-412.
    Studies have shown that as MRI T2 relaxation time lengthens there is a shift toward more unbound or “free-water” and less partitioning of the protein/lipid molecules per unit volume. A shift toward less water partitioning or lengthened MRI T2 relaxation time is linearly related to reduced high frequency EEG amplitude, reduced short distance EEG coherence, increased long distance EEG coherence, and reduced cognitive functioning (Thatcher et al. 1998a; 1998b).
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    Rhetoric. Aristotle & C. D. C. Reeve - 2018 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Rhetoric_ is the sixth volume in The New Hackett Aristotle series, a series featuring translations, with Introductions and Notes, by C. D. C. Reeve, Delta Kappa Epsilon Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The series will eventually include all of Aristotle's works.
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  5. The Genealogy of ‘∨’.Landon D. C. Elkind & Richard Zach - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):862-899.
    The use of the symbol ∨for disjunction in formal logic is ubiquitous. Where did it come from? The paper details the evolution of the symbol ∨ in its historical and logical context. Some sources say that disjunction in its use as connecting propositions or formulas was introduced by Peano; others suggest that it originated as an abbreviation of the Latin word for “or,” vel. We show that the origin of the symbol ∨ for disjunction can be traced to Whitehead and (...)
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  6.  24
    Women in the Academy: Dialogues on Themes from Plato's Republic.C. D. C. Reeve - 2001 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Reeves (philosophy, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) wrote and presented these dialogues as part of a humanities course at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. The dialogues, which touch on many of the philosophical themes of Plato's Republic, take place between the two women students reputed to be members of Plato's Academy and Plato, their fellow students, and Aristotle.
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    Functionalism and Political Economy in the Comparative Study of Consumer Insolvency: An Unfinished Story from England and Wales.Iain D. C. Ramsay - 2006 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 7 (2):625-666.
    This Article is made up of two parts. The first part reflects on the dominant functionalist approach to comparative consumer bankruptcy and suggests that this might be supplemented by a political economy analysis that addresses the role of national and international interest groups, including professionals, and ideology in understanding different national responses to overindebtedness in North America and Europe. The second part examines current reforms to consumer bankruptcy and responses to overindebtedness in the UK through this political economy lens (...)
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    Middle Ages John Pecham and the Science of Optics. Perspectiva communis. Edited with an introduction, English translation, and critical notes, by David C. Lindberg. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1970. Pp. xvii + 300. $15.00. [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1971 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (4):415-416.
  9.  4
    The articulation of efficiency and justice through institutions. Theoretical dialogue between D. C. North and A. MacIntyre. [REVIEW]Cristian Hodge - 2024 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 57:7-36.
    Resumen La búsqueda teórica y práctica de articular eficiencia y justicia tiene historia y actualidad. El objetivo de este estudio es un diálogo teórico entre D. C. North y A. MacIntyre para articular eficiencia y justicia a través de las instituciones. Esta articulación tiene como horizonte más amplio una aproximación interdisciplinaria a la relación entre la teoría económica y la ética. Desde la ciencia económica, como alternativa al concepto de eficiencia paretiana, North habla de eficiencia adaptativa: las instituciones (...)
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  10. Alfred north Whitehead (1861-1947).C. D. Broad - 1948 - Mind 57 (226):139-145.
  11.  61
    Ancient Salt: The New Rhetoric and the OldThe Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, 300 B.C.-A.D. 300.The Speeches in Vergil's Aeneid.Generic Composition in Greek and Roman Poetry.Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire.Hermogenes and the Renaissance: Seven Ideas of Style. [REVIEW]Helen F. North, George Kennedy, Gilbert Highet, Francis Cairns, G. W. Bowersock & Annabel M. Patterson - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (2):349.
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    C. Smoryński. Nonstandard models and related developments. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. 179–229. [REVIEW]C. Dimitracopoulos - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):875-876.
  13.  35
    Birds of the Middle East and North Africa.John A. C. Greppin, P. A. D. Hollom, R. F. Porter, S. Christensen & Ian Willis - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):172.
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    "Peaks of Yemen I Summon": Poetry as Cultural Practice in a North Yemeni Tribe.Philip D. Schuyler & Stephen C. Caton - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):467.
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    Le concept de nature.Alfred North Whitehead - 2019 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    " Recourir à la métaphysique est comme lancer une allumette dans une poudrière. Cela fait exploser la scène entière. C'est exactement ce que font les philosophes de la science quand ils sont conduits dans une impasse et convaincus d'incohérence. Aussitôt ils font entrer de force l'esprit et parlent d'entités qui sont selon le cas dans l'esprit ou hors de l'esprit. Pour la philosophie naturelle, toute chose perçue est dans la nature. Nous ne pouvons pas faire le difficile. Pour nous, la (...)
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    H. C. Gotoff: Cicero's Caesarian Speeches: a Stylistic Commentary. Pp. xlvi+309. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. Cased, $43.95 (Paper, $15.35).D. S. Levene - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):208-209.
  17.  50
    “Lockeian liberalism” and “classical republicanism”: the formation, function and failure of the categories.J. C. D. Clark - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (1):11-31.
    The contest between “Lockeian liberalism” and “classical republicanism” as explanatory frameworks for the intellectual history of the American Revolution, and therefore of the present-day United States, has been one of the longest running and most distinguished in recent U.S. historiography. It also has major implications for the history of political thought in the North Atlantic Anglophone world more widely. Yet this debate was merely suspended when it was held to have ended in an ill-defined compromise. Although some U.S. historians (...)
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  18.  20
    Le Axiome de Paralleles de Euclides a HilbertJ. D. North.C. Sjöstedt - 1970 - Isis 61 (2):269-270.
  19.  21
    Action and Contemplation: Studies in the Moral and Political Thought of Aristotle.Robert C. Bartlett & Susan D. Collins (eds.) - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    European and North American scholars explore the political philosophy of Aristotle, with particular attention to questions arising from the Politics and the Nicomachean Ethics.
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    Remembering Lewis E. Hahn.Sharon Crowell, George C. H. Sun, John Howie, Thomas M. Alexander, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Randall E. Auxier, Robert Hahn, Sen Wu, Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, Martin Lu, George Kimball Plochmann, Matt Sronkoski, D. S. Clarke, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Hans H. Rudnick, Stephen Bickham & Don Mikula - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Lewis E. HahnGeorge C. H. Sun, President, John Howie, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Alexander, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor and Chair, Randall Auxier, Professor, Robert Hahn, Professor, Joseph Wu, Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth R. Eames, Professor Emeritus, Martin Lu, Professor of Philosophy, George Kimball Plochmann, Professor Emeritus, Matt Sronkoski, Philosophy Graduate and Academic Adviser, Dave Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Professor Emerita, Hans H. Rudnick, (...)
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  21. Alfred North Whitehead. An Anthology, selected by F. S. C. Northrop and M. W. Gross. [REVIEW]D. Emmet - 1956 - Mind 65:105.
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  22. Advance directives and the family: French and American perspectives.D. Rodríguez-Arias, G. Moutel, M. P. Aulisio, A. Salfati, J. C. Coffin, J. L. Rodríguez-Arias, L. Calvo & C. Hervé - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (3):139-145.
    Several studies have explored differences between North American and European doctor patient relationships. They have focused primarily on differences in philosophical traditions and historic and socioeconomic factors between these two regions that might lead to differences in behaviour, as well as divergent concepts in and justifications of medical practice. However, few empirical intercultural studies have been carried out to identify in practice these cultural differences. This lack of standard comparative empirical studies led us to compare differences between France and (...)
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  23.  18
    "Alfred North Whitehead's Philosophy of Values," by Jude D. Weisenbeck. [REVIEW]Lee C. Rice - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (4):403-404.
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    Reconstructing racism: Transforming racial hierarchy from “necessary evil” into “positive good”.Jeffrey D. Grynaviski & Michael C. Munger - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):144-163.
    :Our theoretical claim is that racism was consciously devised, and later evolved, to serve two conflicting purposes. First, racism served a legal-economic purpose, legitimating ownership and savage treatment of slaves by southern whites, preserving the value of property rights in labor. Second, racism allowed slave owners to justify, to themselves and to outsiders, how a morally "good" person could own slaves. Racism portrayed African slaves as being less than human, or else as being other than human. The interest of the (...)
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    Decolonial Model of Environmental Management and Conservation: Insights from Indigenous-led Grizzly Bear Stewardship in the Great Bear Rainforest.J. Walkus, C. N. Service, D. Neasloss, M. F. Moody, J. E. Moody, W. G. Housty, J. Housty, C. T. Darimont, H. M. Bryan, M. S. Adams & K. A. Artelle - 2021 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 24 (3):283-323.
    ABSTRACT Global biodiversity declines are increasingly recognized as profound ecological and social crises. In areas subject to colonialization, these declines have advanced in lockstep with settler colonialism and imposition of centralized resource management by settler states. Many have suggested that resurgent Indigenous-led governance systems could help arrest these trends while advancing effective and socially just approaches to environmental interactions that benefit people and places alike. However, how dominant management and conservation approaches might be decolonized (i.e., how their underlying colonial structure (...)
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    Donna Erickson., MetroGreen: Connecting Open Space in North American Cities, 2006: Island Press, Washington, D.C. Paper, $35.00. 333 pp. ISBN 1-55963-891-5. [REVIEW]Charles Francis - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (5):491-494.
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    McCarthy J.. Towards a mathematical science of computation. Information processing 1962, Proceedings oflFIP Congress 62, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, Munich, 27 August-1 September 1962, edited by Popplewell Cicely M., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1963, pp. 21–28.McCarthy John. Problems in the theory of computation. Information processing 1965, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 65, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, New York City, May 24–29, 1965, Volume I, edited by Kalenich Wayne A., Spartan Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., and Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 219–222. [REVIEW]Richard J. Orgass - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):346-347.
  28.  47
    C. Clare Hinrichs and Thomas A. Lyson (eds.): Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for Sustainability. [REVIEW]Molly D. Anderson - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (3):251-252.
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    Lessons for Enhancement From the History of Cocaine and Amphetamine Use.Stephanie K. Bell, Jayne C. Lucke & Wayne D. Hall - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (2):24-29.
    Developments in neuroscience have raised the possibility that pharmaceuticals may be used to enhance memory, mood, and attention in people who do not have an illness or disorder, a practice known as “cognitive enhancement.” We describe historical experiences with two medicinal drugs for which similar enhancement claims were made, cocaine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and amphetamines in the mid 20th century. These drugs were initially introduced as medicinal agents in Europe and North America before becoming (...)
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  30.  70
    The Picture Talk Project: Starting a Conversation with Community Leaders on Research with Remote Aboriginal Communities of Australia.E. F. M. Fitzpatrick, G. Macdonald, A. L. C. Martiniuk, H. D’Antoine, J. Oscar, M. Carter, T. Lawford & E. J. Elliott - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):34.
    Researchers are required to seek consent from Indigenous communities prior to conducting research but there is inadequate information about how Indigenous people understand and become fully engaged with this consent process. Few studies evaluate the preference or understanding of the consent process for research with Indigenous populations. Lack of informed consent can impact on research findings. The Picture Talk Project was initiated with senior Aboriginal leaders of the Fitzroy Valley community situated in the far north of Western Australia. Aboriginal (...)
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  31.  52
    Wang Hao. Mechanical mathematics and inferential analysis. Computer programming and formal systems, edited by Braffort P. and Hirschberg D., Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1963, pp. 1–20. [REVIEW]David C. Cooper - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):120-120.
  32.  26
    Skene's ‘Ante Agamemnona.’ - ‘Ante Agamemnona’: a new departure in philology. Nos. i. ii. iii. iv. ( to be continued). By Andrew Philip Skene, of Skene, and of Hallyards-Fife, Scotland; Chief of the name; also of Skenesborough, North America. Oxford and London. 1892. Pp. 118. 3 s. 6 d[REVIEW]T. C. Snow - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (03):129-132.
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    Clarity and appeal of a multimedia informed consent tool for biobanking.S. A. McGraw, C. A. Wood-Nutter, M. Z. Solomon, K. J. Maschke, J. T. Bensen, J. T. Benson & D. E. Irwin - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (1):9-19.
    The complexity of biobank research raises concerns about individuals’ understanding of the information conveyed in the consent process for such research.. We report the results of a qualitative, cognitive interview study with an ethnically, linguistically, and educationally diverse sample of 43 respondents to assess the clarity and utility of a multimedia tool developed for a biobank. Using weighted randomization, respondents were assigned to either view the multimedia tool or read a written consent document . The study illustrates the utility of (...)
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  34.  60
    Roger North's Cursory Notes of Musicke : A Physical, Psychological and Critical Theory by Roger North; Mary Chan; Jamie C. Kassler; Roger North's Writings on Music to c. 1703: A Set of Analytic Indexes by Roger North; Janet D. Hine; Mary Chan; Jamie C. Kassler. [REVIEW]Thomas Christiansen - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):347-348.
  35.  79
    J. C. Shepherdson. Algorithmic procedures, generalized Turing algorithms, and elementary recursion theory. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. 285–308. - J. C. Shepherdson. Computational complexity of real functions. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. 309–315. - A. J. Kfoury. The pebble game and logics of programs. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, an. [REVIEW]J. V. Tucker - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):876-878.
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    A National Shrine to Scapegoating?: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington, D.C.Jon Pahl - 1995 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (1):165-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A National Shrine to Scapegoating? The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington, D.C. Jon Pahl Valparaiso University In a recent survey I conducted of visitors to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C, 92 percent agreed that "the memorial is a sacred place, and should be treated as such."1 Clearly, this place, by some reports the most visited site in the U.S. capital, draws devotion. But how does a pilgrimage to (...)
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    Jainism in North India. 800 B. C.-A. D. 526.Helen M. Johnson & Chimanlal J. Shah - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (4):392.
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    Science, Art and Nature in Medieval and Modern Thought.A. C. Crombie - 2003 - Hambledon.
    Contents Acknowledgements vii Illustrations ix Preface xi Further Bibliography of A.C. Crombie xiii 1 Designed in the Mind: Western visions of Science, Nature and Humankind 1 2 The Western Experience of Scientific Objectivity 13 3 Historical Perceptions of Medieval Science 31 4 Robert Grosseteste 39 5 Roger Bacon [with J.D. North] 51 6 Infinite Power and the Laws of Nature: A Medieval Speculation 67 7 Experimental Science and the Rational Artist in Early Modern Europe 89 8 Mathematics and Platonism (...)
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  39. Lernen, Institutionen und Wirtschaftsleistung.C. Mantzavinos, Douglass C. North & Syed Shariq - 2005 - Analyse & Kritik 27 (2):320-337.
    This article provides a broad overview of the interplay among cognition, belief systems and institutions, fleshing out a position best characterized as 'cognitive institutionalism'. We argue that a deeper understanding of institutions, emergence, their working properties and their effect on economic performance should start with the analysis of cognitive processes. Exploring the nature of individual and collective learning the article suggests that the issue is not whether agents are perfectly or boundedly rational, but rather how human beings actually reason and (...)
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    Recent Barthiana.John D. Godsey - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):269-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RECENT BARTHIANA 1 JOHN D. GODSEY Wesley Theological Seminary Washington, D.C. N 0 ONE CAN responsibly do theology today without reckoning with the prodigious legacy of Karl Barth, the Swiss Reformed theologian who was born in 1886, began theological studies in 1904, entered a full-time pastorate in 1911, taught dogmatics successively at Gottingen, Munster, Bonn, and Basel between 1921 and 1962, and died in 1968. From his electrifying Commentary (...)
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    A new formulation of discussive logic.Jerzy Kotas & N. C. A. Costa - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (4):429 - 445.
    S. Jakowski introduced the discussive prepositional calculus D 2as a basis for a logic which could be used as underlying logic of inconsistent but nontrivial theories (see, for example, N. C. A. da Costa and L. Dubikajtis, On Jakowski's discussive logic, in Non-Classical Logic, Model Theory and Computability, A. I. Arruda, N. C. A da Costa and R. Chuaqui edts., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977, 37–56). D 2has afterwards been extended to a first-order predicate calculus and to a higher-order logic (cf. (...)
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    Mental health literacy: a cross-cultural approach to knowledge and beliefs about depression, schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder.Laura Altweck, Tara C. Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi & Katharina Lefringhausen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139462.
    Many families worldwide have at least one member with a behavioral or mental disorder, and yet the majority of the public fails to correctly recognize symptoms of mental illness. Previous research has found that Mental Health Literacy (MHL)—the knowledge and positive beliefs about mental disorders—tends to be higher in European and North American cultures, compared to Asian and African cultures. Nonetheless quantitative research examining the variables that explain this cultural difference remains limited. The purpose of our study was fourfold: (...)
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    The future of environmental philosophy.Eugene C. Hargrove - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):130-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Environmental PhilosophyEugene Hargrove (bio)In my 1989 book Foundations of Environmental Ethics, I predicted that environmental philosophy would eventually come to an end because it would be adequately taken care of in mainstream philosophy. That is, it would become part of philosophy of science, ethics, aesthetics, social, and political philosophy, everything except perhaps logic, which could still use it as examples.Whether there will still be a need (...)
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    Early History of North India from the Fall of the Mauryas to the Death of Harṣa, c. 200 B. C.-A. D. 650Early History of North India from the Fall of the Mauryas to the Death of Harsa, c. 200 B. C.-A. D. 650. [REVIEW]J. Duncan M. Derrett & Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (1):54.
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    (1 other version)L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson. Introduction. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. Ščedrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. vii–xii. [REVIEW]H. B. Enderton - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):867-868.
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    Food, Health, and Global Justice.Mary C. Rawlinson - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (2):1-9.
    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2015) estimates that 35 percent of American adults are obese, while 69 percent are overweight. The CDC also estimates that nearly one in every five children in the United States is obese. The National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that medical treatments of obesity cost US$168.4 billion a year, or 16.5 percent of national spending on medical care (Cawley and Meyerhoefer 2010). Public Health England (n.d.) estimates that 25 percent of the (...)
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    Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture, Vol. 2, Pt. 2: North India, Period of Early Maturity, c. A. D. 700-900.John W. Mosteller, Michael W. Meister & M. A. Dhaky - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):127.
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  48. Music and consumer behaviour.Adrian C. North & Hargreaves & J. David - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  49. Music and marketing.Adrian C. North & Hargreaves & J. David - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    The golden age of phenomenology at the New School for Social Research, 1954-1973.Lester Embree & Michael D. Barber (eds.) - 2017 - Athens: Ohio University Press.
    This collection focuses on the introduction of phenomenology to the United States by the community of scholars who taught and studied at the New School for Social Research from 1954 through 1973. During those years, Dorion Cairns, Alfred Schutz, and Aron Gurwitsch--all former students of Edmund Husserl--came together in the department of philosophy to establish the first locus of phenomenology scholarship in the country. This founding trio was soon joined by three other prominent scholars in the field: Werner Marx, Thomas (...)
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